Sunday, September 2, 2012

Halloween Spooktacular Banners For Special Needs Kids Blog Hop Day 2

Welcome to the Halloween Spooktacular Banners For Special Needs Kids Blog Hop Day 2. To see my banner from yesterday, click here.

Yesterday and today (September 1st and 2nd), 30+fantastic papercrafters have come together to create Halloween-themed banners.They will then donate these banners to Ellen (CardMonkey), who works as Admissions Coordinator at Pediatric Specialty Care (PSC),

PSC is a long-term care facility for special needs children who are medically-fragile and/or technologically-dependent. The babies, children and youths at PSC range in age from birth to 21, and are admitted from all over the country.
Some are infants, born prematurely and before their lungs have had a chance to mature. Others have serious birth defects,illnesses or injuries from accidents that cause them to need tender loving care in a home-like environment -- many for their lifetimes.

If you are coming from Sandie's Blog, you are right on track. If you just came across my blog and would like to hop along, please start over with Ellen.

Our banners are meant to cheer the young patients, their families, and the staff at PSC. Here is the banner that I made and will be sending to Ellen to decorate a child's room:

So sorry for the quality. Just wouldn't let me take a good picture.

Papers are from my stash
Ghost Kids from My Scrap Chick
Font is from the Silhouette store
Grape Fizz twine from Trendy Twine
Silver and Lavender Atyou Spica
White gel pen

Now the hop wouldn't be complete without some blog candy that Ellen is giving away....

This Hop is two days (Saturday, September 1 and Sunday, September 2), and on each day you will see different banners. Be sure to visit on both days to see the truly inspirational work of these generous bloggers, and leave some love (comments) on as many sites as you can – because if you do, you can increase your chances to win some Spooktacular blog candy from these kind sponsors:

$25 Gift Certificate to Madge's Scrappin Lounge

 $15 Shopping Spree to Scrapping With Lisa Designs

Lucy Kelleher (
$10 Gift Certificate toward any CTMH product
Donated by Lucy Kelleher 
Independent Consultant for Close to My Heart 
Special entry requirements: To enter to win, you will need to leave a comment on Lucy's blog ( and become a follower of her blog. For an additional entry, "Like" her Facebook page at:
Limited to U.S. entrants only, sorry.
 $10 Gift Certificate toward any Stampin' Up product
Donated by Debi Weidleman
Independent Consultant for Stampin' Up. 
Limited to U.S. entrants only, sorry.

Two Cricut Cartridges ("Pretty Pennants" and "Mini Book") 
Donated by Erica's Craft Room

$25 Gift Certificate to Paper Temptress

To qualify to win one of these great prizes, please leave a comment on (Hop Hostess Ellen ♥ CardMonkey's) blog site and answer this question: 

What was your most memorable 
Halloween costume, and how old were you 
when you wore it?

In your comment, please leave a way for her to reach you if you're randomly picked to win one of the prizes!  Leave additional comments (leave ♥love!) on as many banner makers’ sites as you’d like for extra chances to win!  

Prize winners will be announced on Monday, September 3 on the CardMonkey site, where there will be a round-up of all of the Spooktacular banners for 2012.

Thanks for hopping by!

Your next stop is Lucy's Blog!

Here is the lineup in case you get lost...
Ellen ♥ CardMonkey -
Sandie Dunne -
Ashley -
Lucy ~
Dena ~
Yvette ~
Jamie ~
Nancie ~
Beth ~
Erica ~
Jearise ~
Jenny -
Lisa T.-
Robin ~
Jessica S ~
Lori A ~
Jenny D. ~
Linda Simpson -
Beckie ~
Scrappin Madge:
Jennifer R ~
Debbie T ~
Tami McD ~
 Susan ~


Unknown said...

Gorgeous banner.. Love it!! Those bats are awesome!

Linda Simpson said...

Gorgeous banner, the bats look awesome and I love the lettering too.

Linda xxx

Tracy said...

I think I might scraplift this for my Grandsons class =)

Tambo said...

Ashley, This banner is so cute! What a great idea using bats for the EEK! You are an incredibly talented and giving woman! I read about your giving of banners with names for each child. What a special woman you are to be so giving of your work for such special children! tfs Tami
Tambo's Creations!

Jenny said...

What an adorable banner Ashley! I meet the most creative people on this blog hop! Thanks for sharing!

silvia said...

Great banner!! LOVE the bats!!

Lisa said...

I love it!! The bats are so awesome!! What a fun and fabulous banner, Ashley!!

A Mermaid's Crafts

Shawnee said...

So cute!! I love the bats!! Great job!

Ellen Jarvis said...

I LOVE the bat shaped pennants, Ashley -- you are a master at shapes now that you have added a Silhouette to your arsenal!

Your friendship means the world to me, and your banners truly "make" the world of some very special children.

Thank you again for participating in my banner hops benefiting the medically-fragile children at Pediatric Specialty Care. You are a dear!

Very fondly,
Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

Denise Bryant said...

Love your bat banner!

Edwina said...

Oooo! Something is flying your way. Ha, Ha! I could not resist that. Great banner. Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

Unknown said...

It is so hard to capture the banners in a photo, but yours looks so adorable!!! Love the bats!!

Glad to be in this hop with you!!

Debbie T said...

Everyone always forgets the bats, this is such a lovely batty banner.... good idea.

Beckie said...

Great bats! Awesome banner.

Be blessed, Beckie

Jessica Buffa said...

So cute...Love the bats and great idea for a sentiment on a banner. I fell short on a sentiment this time around. Yours is inspiring!
Jessica S

Beth said...

Ashley: You did it! We were trying to come up with different sayings & didn't know what we'd put with "eek"....silly us!! Great job, I love it!

We're glad to be a part of the hop with you! ~Beth & Emily

Ann English said...

Terrific banner and such a wonderful cause. I am so touched. My eldest child was special needs and spent too much of his precious life in the hospital. I know he would have gotten much pleasure from this banner.

Krista's Paper Cafe said...

That is a fun idea for a banner. Hopefully go to a boy.

Dena said...

This is too cute, Ashley! Love the color combo you used. Always nice hopping with ya!

Dena Jones

Jamie M. said...

Cute bats. Love the EEK. ♥ Jamie at CraftyGirl21

Cely said...

so stinkin cute, ashley! love the donating banners idea too!

Crafty Card Gallery said...

late hopper but this is very cute!
Happy to be in the hop with you.

Janet said...

Love the bats they are sweet Another fun banner! Great projects!
Big Blog Hugs, Janet

jessica said...

awesome banner Ashley!